News Anchors: Listen to the Boss

So, Bruce is on Broadway … and has received great reviews for what he calls his first real job, Springsteen on Broadway.  But this blog isn’t about his music. It’s about his philosophy… a philosophy worthy of all our consideration, and directly applicable to news delivery.  In a very insightful New York Times article (link), [...]

    Facebook Vs. Your News App

    Maybe it’s just me. But I don’t get it. Why do some TV stations continue making Facebook their primary platform for breaking news and especially breaking video instead of their own platforms? Why not make sure the content gets on the station’s revenue platforms? Facebook is a marketing platform. Sure, use it to tell people [...]

      Harvey, Trump & Les Moonves

      Sitting high and dry a thousand miles from the Harvey disaster unfolding in Texas gives you a different perspective on the story. As local stations in Texas and the networks do yeoman’s duty showing rescues and passing on information, our CJ&N colleagues are noting something else:  The most useful sources of information and help for [...]

        Why You Have to do More than a Police Blotter Newscast

        Often we use this blog to share TV station best practices. Perhaps we'll tell you about a station’s new, unique or different approach to serve the viewer/user. In today's edition, however, the “best practice” comes not from a TV station but from local police and fire departments and their ability to get news and information [...]

        By |2017-04-26T16:12:57+00:00April 25th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

        Weather App Promotion: So What’s Different?

        Here at CJ&N we constantly share with each other promos that we see from various stations. Many are great spots about upcoming special sweeps pieces. Others promote station brands. More and more frequently, we see stations producing a promo for one of their apps.  Not a bad thing, right? But this past week another one [...]

        By |2017-04-17T16:56:31+00:00April 11th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

        Facebook & TV Newsrooms: Advice That Will Surprise You

        I’m so excited. I just got off a call with Mark Zuckerberg. Yes, THAT Zuckerberg, the brain of Facebook. He called to thank me and thank you. He talked about how stations have really embraced Facebook. “It’s so great that stations are putting so much of their video and producing content on Facebook live on [...]

        Election Day Coverage: An Opportunity to Get it Right

        Disgust. Uneasiness.  Anger. As voters put an end to election season tomorrow (hopefully), these aren’t the feelings generally associated with declaring winners.  Those words also apply to how many people view the news media. So for news organizations, striking the right tone on election night is important. Here are some big picture thoughts before you [...]

          Are You Caught in Journalism’s Downward Spiral?

          This weekend’s coverage of the 9/11 anniversary and related political stories had me shaking my head in amazement. As I was reading tweets, Facebook posts and coverage about Hillary Clinton and her leaving the 9/11 ceremonies early, it struck me (again) how news organizations have changed. If you’ve been around more than a few years, [...]

          By |2016-12-13T15:28:00+00:00September 12th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

            Surviving in a Crowded App World

            When was the last time you opened your station’s news or weather app and actually used it? Was it... When you first downloaded it? A month ago? Last week? Or you don’t remember? I’ve learned that stations don’t do enough quality control. Here’s an example. We have a client station that has one of the [...]

            By |2016-12-13T15:28:01+00:00April 4th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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