Using Coaching to Give Your Staff Room to Grow

A discussion this morning with my colleagues on offering push notifications prompted further discussion and thought about why it’s so common in this business to boil things down to yea or nay.  Crosstalk or no crosstalk, instead of, what kind, or how to do the best. It is a frustration of many managers I work with [...]

Reaching Viewers With Your App Promotion

You’ll hear it in almost every newscast: “…And you can download our app for breaking news and weather.” In many newscasts, it’s said the same way every day around the same time. In fact, odds are the copy is in the “format master” so the producer or anchors don’t have to add it. Unfortunately, it [...]

    What’s Your “Pocket TV” Strategy?

    I live in an area known for frequent power outages. We could lose power for hours in little more than a strong gust of wind. Recently, when a series of predicted storms started to approach the area, I immediately plugged in all of our devices to make sure we were charged up. Honestly, I was getting [...]

    By |2016-12-13T15:28:00+00:00September 19th, 2016|Digital Strategy, Mobile Devices, Newsroom policies|0 Comments

      International News Hits Close To Home – But Local Stations Don’t

      The attacks in Paris really hit home for me this weekend – as they have for many Americans. And so has the disappointing local TV coverage of this huge international story with direct implications in all of our hometowns.  Friday night, my daughter was getting on a plane in Boston to return to college in [...]

      By |2016-12-13T15:28:01+00:00November 16th, 2015|Social Media, Strategy|0 Comments

        Social Media Insanity Syndrome

        Come on.  Really? Reporters taking selfies at murder scenes? Smiling reporters in front of tornado damaged homes? News teams posing with guns pointed at the camera with a smile on their faces. A producer posting a tweet hoping police will use real bullets on protestors. A post from a newsroom with wrong information because they [...]

        By |2015-05-28T17:17:16+00:00May 28th, 2015|Newsroom policies, Social Media|0 Comments

          Stop. Look and Read: Sensitivity in Social Media

          We've mentioned it before, but in light of recent events, it bears repeating. We’re talking about the social media being posted by folks in your newsroom under your station brand. Insensitive posts are damaging. They reflect poorly upon your brand. Especially on twitter where the message is short… often too short. Stations want to use [...]

          By |2016-12-13T15:28:03+00:00February 10th, 2014|Social Media|Comments Off on Stop. Look and Read: Sensitivity in Social Media
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