Facebook Strategy: POST TO PROMOTE

By Steve Schwaid, CJ&N VP of Digital Services As we head into the next rating period, this is a good time to talk about using Facebook to drive viewers and users to your revenue platforms. It’s a tactic called POP. Nope, this doesn’t stand for Proof of Performance, but instead in the digital word it’s [...]

By |2019-01-16T16:00:07+00:00January 16th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Facebook Watch Parties: Invitation to Disaster

By Steve Schwaid, CJ&N VP of Digital Strategies   What if I invited you to a Facebook online Super Bowl watch party? You might be intrigued.  An online watch party? Now, what if I invite you to a Facebook Watch Party for a multi-alarm apartment complex fire? Really?  A party to watch people and families lose [...]

By |2018-11-29T16:53:31+00:00November 29th, 2018|CJ&N, Steve Schwaid|0 Comments

Making Your Facebook Page Trustworthy

By Steve Schwaid, CJ&N VP of Digital Strategies Recent Facebook security issues provide stations with an opportunity to digitally connect with their users and viewers.  Beyond day-to-day coverage of the privacy issues, this is the time for stations to showcase the trust and privacy of your own digital platforms. Local news rates as one of [...]

By |2018-05-10T20:20:16+00:00May 10th, 2018|CJ&N, Digital Strategy, Facebook, Steve Schwaid|0 Comments

Facebook Privacy and Your Viewers

As the dust settles on the latest Facebook privacy debacle, there is no question people are more and more concerned about what Facebook knows about them and is sharing with others. Many of us have shared, liked, tagged and commented on some of our most private thoughts, our political opinions and pictures of friends and [...]

Facebook Privacy and Your Viewers

By Steve Schwaid, CJ&N VP of Digital Strategies As the Facebook privacy story unfolds, viewers and users are searching for more information. Not how it happened, but what can they do right now to protect their privacy and information on Facebook. We can’t get the “stolen” data back. That’s already in the hands of marketers, [...]

By |2018-03-21T19:19:44+00:00March 21st, 2018|CJ&N, Digital Strategy, Steve Schwaid, Uncategorized|0 Comments

APP-titude Attitude: How TV Stations Can Boost their App’s Value

For mobile users, apps are their connection to the world.  With a click, they can see local restaurants, nearby movies, the weather, news and an assortment of other content created for the user. For years, stations have looked at their apps as a way to gain digital users and expand their news audience. But are [...]

By |2018-01-12T15:15:00+00:00January 11th, 2018|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Facebook Vs. Your News App

Maybe it’s just me. But I don’t get it. Why do some TV stations continue making Facebook their primary platform for breaking news and especially breaking video instead of their own platforms? Why not make sure the content gets on the station’s revenue platforms? Facebook is a marketing platform. Sure, use it to tell people [...]

TV Stations Monetizing Facebook Live

Why do stations do so many Facebook Live posts that don’t drive revenue or views to the station’s revenue platforms (air, apps or website)? Yes, you can make money by being very focused with a Facebook revenue strategy. Last month I moderated a webinar for Broadcasting & Cable talking about how stations are using Facebook [...]

SOCIAL MEDIA: Who’s Counting?

I spend a fair amount of time cruising various station Facebook pages while watching TV in the evening (cable, streaming, DVR). I know it’s quite a life I lead. Really, it’s ok. It gives me chance to second screen – sometimes third screen - to see what’s happening around the country and what people are [...]

By |2016-12-13T15:28:01+00:00January 12th, 2016|Digital Strategy|0 Comments
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