The Mother of Pandemics – and Invention

By John Altenbern, CJ&N president During Warren Buffett’s virtual shareholder meeting the other day, he called attention to a line he has used before:  “Don’t bet against America.”  Today, I will go a step further:  Don’t bet against local television.  In some corners of our business the doomsayers are in full bloom.  Advertising is gone [...]

A Good Time to Test Your News App

By Steve Schwaid, CJ&N VP of Digital Services Summer. Finally. With no big political conventions, national elections or Olympics, this could be a “calm” summer for local newsrooms. Time to take a breath, recharge and look ahead. It’s also a great time to refocus on your station’s digital apps. In many shops, the news app [...]

Facebook Privacy and Your Viewers

As the dust settles on the latest Facebook privacy debacle, there is no question people are more and more concerned about what Facebook knows about them and is sharing with others. Many of us have shared, liked, tagged and commented on some of our most private thoughts, our political opinions and pictures of friends and [...]

Fading Stars? The Role of Local News Talent

Welcome to 2018.  Amid all the usual predictions about our business, I’ve been thinking about the faces of local TV.  As change and retirements seem to become more frequent, so does the notion that maybe it’s not about people anymore.  Is it just a “content machine” we need to mind? There’s discussion that the network [...]

By |2018-01-04T20:39:00+00:00January 3rd, 2018|CJ&N, John Altenbern, news talent, Strategy, TV stations|0 Comments

    Facebook Vs. Your News App

    Maybe it’s just me. But I don’t get it. Why do some TV stations continue making Facebook their primary platform for breaking news and especially breaking video instead of their own platforms? Why not make sure the content gets on the station’s revenue platforms? Facebook is a marketing platform. Sure, use it to tell people [...]

      Facebook is About to Eat Your Weather Lunch

      This time Facebook is going after weather -- local weather, one of a station’s primary content drivers. Jimmy Kimmel may have said it best when talking about his reaction to watching reporters putting themselves In the middle of severe weather: “We don’t pay much attention to them anymore because we now get the weather on [...]

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