The Mother of Pandemics – and Invention

By John Altenbern, CJ&N president During Warren Buffett’s virtual shareholder meeting the other day, he called attention to a line he has used before:  “Don’t bet against America.”  Today, I will go a step further:  Don’t bet against local television.  In some corners of our business the doomsayers are in full bloom.  Advertising is gone [...]

News Organizations: The Culture of Immediacy

By Steve Schwaid, CJ&N VP of Digital Strategies During a recent interview for Showtime’s 4-part series The Fourth Estate, Dean Baquet, executive editor of the New York Times, spelled out what he sees as the expectations of users in the digital news world: Tell us what’s going on as it happens. This mantra of the [...]

    Facebook Vs. Your News App

    Maybe it’s just me. But I don’t get it. Why do some TV stations continue making Facebook their primary platform for breaking news and especially breaking video instead of their own platforms? Why not make sure the content gets on the station’s revenue platforms? Facebook is a marketing platform. Sure, use it to tell people [...]

      Harvey Coverage Showcases New Coverage Capabilities and the Challenges They Bring

      Amazing. Unbelievable. Engaging. The live images we saw from the local stations and cable networks covering the Hurricane Harvey aftermath were almost overwhelming. Technology has pushed live reporting to a new level. Crews weren’t stuck to a stationary position tethered to a microwave or satellite truck. Viewers were taken live into the middle of the [...]

      By |2017-11-02T21:53:02+00:00September 6th, 2017|CJ&N, future of journalism, Steve Schwaid|0 Comments

        Harvey, Trump & Les Moonves

        Sitting high and dry a thousand miles from the Harvey disaster unfolding in Texas gives you a different perspective on the story. As local stations in Texas and the networks do yeoman’s duty showing rescues and passing on information, our CJ&N colleagues are noting something else:  The most useful sources of information and help for [...]

          Future of Journalism: Youthful Optimism

          “Hi, I’m Hayden, nice to meet you,” she said in a rush. We had never met and we had three minutes to connect.  She is a 20-year-old journalism student and in her eyes, I’m certain, I was some old guy with gray hair and a dubious understanding of her world. “What do you see yourself [...]

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