Stations Can Save Lives with Social Media

    Clients often ask: What are the best content elements to tweet or post on Facebook? The answer isn’t complicated: Obviously, breaking news and breaking weather. Stories that are top of mind, relevant and have viewer impact. Often, stations over-think it. Here is a great example of a post that is local, relevant and a potential [...]

    TV Stations Monetizing Facebook Live

    Why do stations do so many Facebook Live posts that don’t drive revenue or views to the station’s revenue platforms (air, apps or website)? Yes, you can make money by being very focused with a Facebook revenue strategy. Last month I moderated a webinar for Broadcasting & Cable talking about how stations are using Facebook [...]

    A 360-Degree Look at Your Social Media Video

    If you’re using the summer months to review your TV station’s digital and social media tactics and strategies (and you should be), make sure you consider how you’re presenting video. Whether it’s Instagram, Snapchat or the “godfather” Facebook, there’s no question the focus should be on images and video.  For most stations, posting video means [...]

      Future of Journalism: Youthful Optimism

      “Hi, I’m Hayden, nice to meet you,” she said in a rush. We had never met and we had three minutes to connect.  She is a 20-year-old journalism student and in her eyes, I’m certain, I was some old guy with gray hair and a dubious understanding of her world. “What do you see yourself [...]

      Local TV: Wallflower at the Big Dance?

      I just returned from a weekend trip out of state to see relatives – a whole house full of young couples, new babies and familiar old faces.  In addition to lots of food and laughter, it gave me new appreciation for how people who aren’t in the “media bubble” see the world these days. I love [...]

      Facebook & TV Newsrooms: Advice That Will Surprise You

      I’m so excited. I just got off a call with Mark Zuckerberg. Yes, THAT Zuckerberg, the brain of Facebook. He called to thank me and thank you. He talked about how stations have really embraced Facebook. “It’s so great that stations are putting so much of their video and producing content on Facebook live on [...]

      Election Day Coverage: An Opportunity to Get it Right

      Disgust. Uneasiness.  Anger. As voters put an end to election season tomorrow (hopefully), these aren’t the feelings generally associated with declaring winners.  Those words also apply to how many people view the news media. So for news organizations, striking the right tone on election night is important. Here are some big picture thoughts before you [...]

      Reaching Viewers With Your App Promotion

      You’ll hear it in almost every newscast: “…And you can download our app for breaking news and weather.” In many newscasts, it’s said the same way every day around the same time. In fact, odds are the copy is in the “format master” so the producer or anchors don’t have to add it. Unfortunately, it [...]

        What’s Your “Pocket TV” Strategy?

        I live in an area known for frequent power outages. We could lose power for hours in little more than a strong gust of wind. Recently, when a series of predicted storms started to approach the area, I immediately plugged in all of our devices to make sure we were charged up. Honestly, I was getting [...]

        By |2016-12-13T15:28:00+00:00September 19th, 2016|Digital Strategy, Mobile Devices, Newsroom policies|0 Comments
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