Whether it’s Instagram, Snapchat or the “godfather” Facebook, there’s no question the focus should be on images and video. For most stations, posting video means just reposting viral content or an item from a national feed, or perhaps breaking news or a snippet from news video or Facebook live. Is that good enough?
Users want to be engaged and want to watch interesting videos. That means raising the bar on occasion, such as a Facebook 360-degree image or the creative work being done with images from new types of cameras.
Cruise the social media sites and you’ll see the new technologies that many “pure digitally focused” social media players are using. 360 degree and VR is coming into vogue, big time.
For years, stations “owned” video. Today, the barrier to entry in posting interesting and creative videos is low. It’s inexpensive. It’s easy and it’s something stations should be using. Unfortunately, most do not.
Here’s a link to an example of how the PGA uses a 360-degree video approach. It’s from the PGA Championship. While the video is playing, use your mouse or trackpad to change the angle. Golfers, see if you recognize the players:
It’s engaging. You can’t help but spend time watching.
Here are links to a couple tools you might consider that will let you record 360-degree video. Some are relatively inexpensive. The pricier models could work well at station-sponsored outdoor events – like fairs, walks and races or community events. They can help you create more unique content for your digital platforms. That could increase engagement on your revenue platforms, and that’s what it’s all about.
We don’t endorse any particular model and encourage you to experiment.
If we can help you with ideas or workflow, please let me know: sschwaid@cjni.com.