Well, guess what? That’s probably what they get from your station on their smartphone screen. As mobile use continues to surge, here’s my question: Why are local stations failing to produce their mobile products? We wouldn’t dream of unleashing a torrent of random material on-air that may or may not matter to viewers. Why is it tolerated on our fastest-growing platform? Mobile users have different content priorities than TV viewers. While stations are often careful about content decisions on-air, mobile users are left to sift through the television scraps. It’s hardly the way to build a loyal following.
Even many digital producers in newsrooms have their eyes locked on the desktop homepage most of the day, even though desktop use is shrinking and mobile use is skyrocketing. If I’m in a newsroom and call up the mobile page and see an old story near the top of the screen I point it out. The response generally is, “Really? I didn’t see that. I wonder how it happened?”
You have a producer for the noon news, which we all know is viewed by lots of old ladies. Why don’t you have a mobile producer who is paying attention to your fastest-growing (and much younger) audience? Why is the first place users turn the last place we manage to produce? Why won’t we invest in our own future livelihood?
If there is someone in your newsroom producing your mobile product, please let me know. I’d like to call and offer my congratulations. They may be the only person in the country with that job.